Friends gay bar phoenix az

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Show off that sexy sweaty jock strap, and enjoy Happy Hour prices ‘til closing! Need a little help getting going on a Sunday morning? Bartender Will can make you a delicious Absolut Bloody Mary for just $5, or Korbel Mimosa for just $3. Friday & SaturdayĮach weekend, join us for a beer bust on the patio hosted by one of our affiliated clubs - The Lords of Leather, NOLA Pups and Handlers, Renegade Bears, Knights d’Orleans, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, or Crescent City Leathermen! $5 buy-in for all you can drink draft beer plus $1 per refill. The Phoenix Pool Tournament is hosted by Jesse every Tuesday night! $5 buy in, winner takes all.

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Dress code: No backpacks, purses, or bags of any kind.

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